Saturday, December 9, 2017

We had a smashing success in October with our Jr. High Epic Outing. The event was held at the Lake Crystal Area Recreational Center, where we swam in the massive pool there, played dodge ball, and enjoyed their large climbing wall. This event was put together with two main goals; first, to bring together the Jr. High to build community through fun and fellowship. Second, to convey the redemption story of Jesus through a series of short lessons. The kids learned about God’s great love for us and our response to it and how God keeps the promises He makes. This all points, ultimately, to Jesus’ return and the choice that mankind must make about God’s free salvation. We had one kid accept Jesus that day.

November 10-11 was the Sr. High Fall Summit. For the older students we attended the College of Prayer mini conference held at Alliance Missionary Church. We studied the Lord’s prayer and how to pattern our lives after it. We turned the conference into an overnight event by staying at a hotel in St. James. The evening was full of delicious pizza, fun at the hotel pool, and other all-night shenanigans. The highlights of the conference were digging deep into the Lord’s prayer, encountering God’s love, learning how to forgive others and claim God’s forgiveness for ourselves, prayer, and worship. One student said that the conference “reminded me that there is really healing and power in prayer - my prayer life has been lit up as I learn to practice ‘pray continuously.’ Also, I am putting people into a prayer circle to regularly pray for me and I am seeing God at work through that.” In a word: Transformational.
Mountain Lake got a special treat on November 15 with the For His Glory program provided by the Mt. Lake Ministerial. This event featured two hip hop / rap artists that brought powerful messages of hope. One of those artists was our very own Josiah and Danial Gardner, who played original songs written by Josiah. The other artist was Bobby Bugattii with D.J. Peacock. This event was unlike anything seen in Mountain Lake before; the whole place was filled with excitement and electricity, with a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit among the students. This shouldn’t be a surprise when you consider the dozens of people praying for the event weeks before the event, as well as all the help that went into making it happen. Many of our students witnessed God’s answer to prayer as many put their faith in Jesus that night.

We have an awesome Christmas schedule lined up. The annual Christmas Party with ugly sweater contest will be December 13. Parents, please remind your kids to bring a $5.00 dollar gift for the gift exchange. We want to be sure everyone will have a gift to open. There will be no youth group for the holidays on the 20th and 27th

Also, keep an eye open for Winter Camp coming up. The dates are February 23-25 for the Jr. High, and January 26-28 for Sr. High.
Your prayers are always appreciated for the students here at Cornerstone Youth Ministries. We give glory to God for the continual answering of prayers and lives being transformed. Amen!

In Christ,

Micah Seibert

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