Thursday, March 29, 2018

Spring is on its way, which means it’s time for another youth update to look back on how God’s been faithful over this past winter and look forward with anticipation to see what He’ll do over the closing of the school year and the summer months to come.

In February we attended a winter camp for Jr. Highers. We had a handful of students attend, with one student leader joining us. The highlight of the time we spent there was seeing this student leader learn to operate in the awkward middle ground of being much older than the Jr. Highers, but still not an adult. The student thrived in this position, pouring into not only our own students, but other kids at the camp there as well, speaking the gospel truth into their lives. Not only that, but they are continuing in this path of sharing with others as they’ve returned from this experience. Close friends testify that something has changed in this student dramatically. This is what we want to see from a mid-winter camp event.

The closest upcoming event to look forward to is a high school only event called The College of Prayer, held at the Mountain Lake Alliance Church. This is an event that we attended last fall, which proved to be an incredibly fruitful teaching on prayer. There were transformations and encounterings of the Holy Spirit, so I have high expectations for this year’s event as well. It will take place April 6-7 with the deadline for permission forms being April 4. The cost is $45.00 per student, which will include all meals.

Be on the look out for a complete schedule of summer events, which will be available in magnet form in the middle of April.

Another upcoming event that will be in the summer, is Lead the Cause, an exciting gospel proclaiming, disciple making urban missions trip. There are already 13 students and 6 adults signed up to go. So please be praying ahead of time for this trip, as our expectations are high for what God intends to do in and through our students.

As always, we have a schedule packed with engaging, exciting events for our students, to give them opportunities to grow in their faith and bond with each other. Thank you for continuing to pray for our ministry and entrusting us with the spiritual growth of your kids on Wednesday nights and beyond.

In Christ,

Micah Seibert

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